Add a Lookup

A lookup is added at the Manage Lookups page. To add a lookup, refer to the steps below.

  1. Select Manage > Lookups. The Manage Lookups page appears. The lookups are listed in a grid by name and description.

Manage Loolkups pagte

  1. Select the lookup type that you want to add; the lookup list expands.
    1. Accounts
    2. Assignee Groups
    3. Categories
    4. Conditions
    5. Damages
    6. Manufacturers
    7. Models
    8. Package Types
    9. Units of Measure
  2. In the lookup name and description area, enter the lookup name (required) in the Lookup field.
    1. Account: To enter an asset account lookup, enter the account name in the Account field.

    Account Lookup field

    1. Assignee Group: To enter an assignee group lookup, enter the assignee group name in the Assignee Group field.

    1. Category: To enter an item category lookup, enter the category name in the Category field.

    Category Lookup field

    1. Condition: To enter an asset condition lookup, enter the condition name in the Condition field.

    Condition Lookup field

    1. Damages: To enter a package damage lookup, enter the damages name in the Damages field.

    Damage Lookup List

    1. Manufacturer: To enter an item manufacturer lookup, enter the manufacturer name in the Manufacturer field.

    Manufacturer Lookup field

    1. Model: To enter an item model lookup, enter the model name in the Model field.

    Model Lookup field

    1. Package Type: To enter a package type lookup, enter the package type name in the Package Type field.

    Package Type Lookup List

    1. Unit of Measure: To enter an item unit of measure, enter the unit of measure name in the Unit of Measure field.

    Unit of Measure Lookup field

  3. Enter a lookup description in the Description field (optional).
  4. Select the Add Add icon icon. The lookup is added to the list.
  5. To cancel adding this lookup, select the Cancel Cancel icon icon.